Love Spells - Free Love Spells - Guaranteed Spells for Love! Powerful Spells that Work

Love Spells - Free Love Spells - Guaranteed Spells for Love! Powerful Spells that Work

Lots of free love spells, including spells to get your lover back, simple love spells, reveal what someone thinks of you. 
 Love spells, spells for love, witchcraft, wicca love spells, guaranteed love spells, get your lover back, draw a new lover to you.-
All Free Love Spells That Work 

Free spells for beginners that work
Free spells for beginners that work

free spells for beginners that work - To communicate with an absent partner

To communicate with an absent partner
Some Free Magic Spells Compiled from the web.

You will need:

Pink candle photo of your partner/friend crystal ball or magnifying glass
First, light a pink candle. Now, holding a photo that clearly shows your partner's face, look
into his or her eyes. You can look deeper into the eyes and beyond, into the mind, by placing
a crystal ball or a magnifying glass on top of the image.

Speak directly to the photo or through the object you have chosen to magnify it with.
The eyes, mouth, and facial features in the image will move in such a way that it appears
you are speaking directly, face-to-face, to the person you're trying to contact.
At this point you have made the connection.

Tell the person what it is that you want, or ask a question. The response will come to you
telepathically. Blow out the candle and wave the photo through its smoke from north to
south and from west to east. Return the photo to where you normally keep it.

Free spells for beginners that work - A finding spell

A finding spell
Some Free Magic Spells Compiled from the web. 

Light a green candle for luck and prosperity.
Charge a small green stone with your desire to find your "property" that eludes you.
Chant the following 3 times:
I Pray to the Moon when she is round
Luck to me shall then abound
What I seek for shall then be found
In sea or sky or solid ground
Remember, like energies attract, think of positive times spent with this lost treasure
and mentally/emotionally call the lost one home.
Free spells for beginners that work
Free spells for beginners that work

Free spells for beginners that work - To summon a lost person to you

To summon a lost person to you

Some Free Magic Spells Compiled from the web.

To summon a lost person to you
Every night for a fortnight, place a pinch of blessed sea salt over your doorframe and under your
doormat (or in front of your door on the ground).
Visualize the person you are summoning while doing this chant.
Salt in the ocean, salt on my door draw
(name) to mien a fortnight or before.
As ships sail and travel the great four seas
send my heart's desire through the cosmos to me.
I call to the powers of the ever flowing sea and
As I will so mote it be.
Then go in and light a white candle with the person's name carved into it and let burn for 13 min.
Visualize the person walking through your door and you and they embracing in a big hug.
EXTINGUISH, do not blow out.
The person will contact you within a fortnight after completing this spell.

Free spells for beginners that work

Here are a few thoughts to help you create spells for beginners that work
Be positive.  Be Honest.  Be of Pure intent.

Negative energies will always block your spells.  So it is vital to  spells and rituals to have reasonably selfless goals.

Words have power.  Sound has power.  Rhythm is a wonderful way to focus your thoughts and strengthen your spells, which is why so many poems can be used as spells.  For example the long version of the Wiccan Rede as written by Gardner's priestess Doreen Valiente.  However you do not need to be poet to create Wiccan spells.  Basic incantations like "Goddess Bless and Goddess Be, for all you've given I thank thee, will help you to center yourself as your prepare your spell.  Try reciting a simple incantation like one above to yourself in sets of three.  Three sets of three has a very natural balance.

Focus on your thoughts and your breathing as your recite your incantation.  You may choose to say your incantation aloud but you may prefer to simply recite your chosen incantation in your mind.  However, you feel most comfortable is the best way.
Remember: Negative energies will always block your spells.
Free spells for beginners that work
Free spells for beginners that work

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free spells for beginners that work